VF staff living the eco lifestyle


AT VANILLAFOOD THE ENVIRONMENT IS CONSIDERED IN ALL ASPECTS OF THE BUSINESS. The team use minimal plastic and packaging, they sort their waste, recyclables, plastics and compostables. The team pick herbs, fruits and edible flowers from the kitchen garden and they use local and organic produce to reduce food miles. VF is a ‘plastic free champion’ thanks to the Plastic Free Noosa initiative and the staff are proud of this. Here’s what some of the team do at home: 

  • Nilla Tomkins (Founder and Executive Chef)

For Nilla, dining in is not always possible, she has long, busy days. She always has a reusable mug or cup in her car, she says “that way I’ll never forget it” She has numerous cups and makes sure she always has one handy. At the moment Nilla is using the Huskee cup, she loves this product and the company’s ethos. You can purchase a Huskee cup at VF in the Junction and check out their website and see for yourself why Nilla loves them.

  • Rowena Jackson (Front of House Manager)


Row makes sure she gets her produce for the week at the local farmers markets. She always brings a basket and reusable bags and makes a conscious choice of avoiding pre  packaged goods. Row says “one farmer even lets me return rubber bands which he uses again”

  • Ray Offler (Head Chef)

At home, Ray and his family have a chicken coop and use any VF scraps for feed. They get fresh eggs daily, knowing they are produced by happy chooks. Ray also takes home cardboard packaging for mulch instead of using plastic weed matting.

  • Donna Robinson (Belmondos Kitchen Manager)

Donna lives a sustainable life at home and brings a lot of knowledge to the VanillaFood team. She says “I compost, separate soft plastics and repurpose glass jars at home”, she also has a keep cup or 2… Donna also has created a vegan version of the re usable food wrap. She says, “the fact that I have made a product that doesn’t rely on bees wax and has the environment in mind makes me very happy. Every time I use them I know that I have done my part to reduce the use of plastic in my household.” She sells her wax wraps via instagram @naturesfoodwrap.

The kitchen garden edibles